Home inspiring thoughts • THE ‘WHYs’.



WHY‘, a 3 letter word that defines purpose. Every meaningful objective accomplished has purpose behind it. Purpose attaches value therefore provides motivation to push through challenges faced in life. 

When you attach purpose to what you do, whether it seems out of reach, it makes your dreams seem feasible. You are willing to work through the problem to find a solution with your eye still on the prize. 

The ‘whys’ help us prioritise things. They make us see things in order of importance therefore enabling us to fulfil the most important things in life. In short you do not overburden yourself with unnecessary responsibilities that may not be of significance currently.

The whys expose deficiencies present. By recognizing what is missing , one may be able to find a solution to the problem at hand. This enables growth and development.

The why’s indicate inquisitiveness; it builds sufficient curiosity that enables innovation and invention. The ‘whys’ are important and should never be forgotten. 

Have a fantastic week.




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